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Dysgraphia Case Study

Millie’s Arrowsmith Success Story: Understanding and Addressing the Causes of Dysgraphia

Meet Millie, a determined 14-year-old in Grade 9, who faced the challenge of dysgraphia - which was having a significant impact on all areas of her education and left her feeling unconfident about her abilities. 

This compelling case study delves into Millie’s remarkable journey with Arrowsmith, focusing on her extraordinary progress in writing, spelling and reading skills. We look at how the Arrowsmith Program helped Millie fall in love with learning and restore her confidence.

About Millie

Name: Millie, Arrowsmith Student
Age: 14, Grade 9
Diagnosis: Dysgraphia
Program type: Full Time
Time in program: 1 academic school year

Read the Case Study

The Challenge

Millie's dysgraphia - an impairment in an individual’s writing and fine motor skills - manifested in a myriad of ways, affecting various aspects of her academic life. Her struggles were multi-faceted, encompassing both written and verbal communication. 

The act of writing was not just messy but often illegible for Millie, making it a substantial hurdle to communicate ideas effectively. Spelling presented significant challenges, with even basic words proving to be a daunting task. Reading, too, became a jumbled experience, with issues tracking letters on a page, resulting in a growing dislike for the activity.

Beyond academics, Millie faced low confidence in learning, compounded by organizational issues, messiness, and trouble concentrating.

While traditional education would provide Millie - and other individuals with a Dysgraphia label (or other learning difficulties) - with accommodations for these challenges, the underlying cause, a challenge with the cognitive functions of  Motor Symbol Sequencing and Symbol Recognition,  was not identified and the learning difficulty was never addressed. 

With years of experience in harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity to strengthen the brain, Arrowsmith knew that Millie’s learning difficulties could be overcome - allowing her to thrive in both her educational and personal life. 

  • Writing Challenges: Millie’s writing was not just messy but often illegible, making it a substantial hurdle to communicate ideas effectively.

  • Spelling Struggles: Millie faced significant difficulties with spelling; even basic words proved to be a daunting task.

  • Reading Confusions: Reading was a jumbled experience, with issues tracking letters on a page, resulting in a dislike for reading.

  • Low Confidence: Millie's confidence in learning was low, compounded by organizational issues, messiness, and trouble concentrating.

Before I came to Arrowsmith last year I could not write, I could not spell - my spelling was terrible and I couldn’t spell basic words - and my reading was a jumble. I did not have a lot of confidence in learning, and I was very messy, unorganized and found it difficult to concentrate.

Arrowsmith Student, Australia

The Solution

Arrowsmith understands that by harnessing neuroplasticity - our brain’s ability to change and become stronger with targeted cognitive exercises -  specific cognitive functions that are underperforming can be strengthened and the end result is a transformed learning profile for any individual. 

Rather than accommodating or working around learning difficulties like traditional education, Arrowsmith strengthens the individual’s brain and fundamentally changes the learner’s capacity to learn. 

“If a network supporting a brain function is repeatedly stimulated through practice and training, it will become stronger, contributing to the optimizations of that brain function."
Alvaro Fernandez
Sharp Brains Guide to Brain Fitness

In recognizing the unique challenges Millie faced, Arrowsmith crafted a tailored Cognitive Program designed to strengthen the specific cognitive functions that were underperforming and, therefore, leading to Millie's challenges. 

That’s why Millie enrolled in the Arrowsmith Program for one year, during which she focused on specific programs designed to strengthen her Motor Symbol Sequencing and Symbol Recognition cognitive functions. 

These targeted exercises were designed to address the specific cognitive processes contributing to her difficulties, leveraging the principles of neuroplasticity through Arrowsmith’s cognitive programming. 

The program's approach was detailed, yet personalized, catering to Millie's individual needs.

The Outcome

Millie's commitment to the Arrowsmith Program yielded transformative results.
Her progress was evident across various domains:

Millie's success story is more than an isolated case; it serves as a testament to the efficacy of the Arrowsmith Program in addressing the complex nature of learning disabilities

Beyond academic achievements, Millie's journey is an inspiration for others facing similar obstacles. It emphasizes the importance of personalized, targeted interventions in unlocking each student’s true potential. 

As we celebrate Millie's achievements, we extend an invitation to others facing similar challenges to embark on their own Arrowsmith journey for a brighter academic (or professional) future.

When I came to Arrowsmith it all changed. I can spell a lot more words now, and I’ve got a lot more confidence in my writing. Arrowsmith has given me so much confidence. My writing has got better, I can actually read and I enjoy learning now.

Arrowsmith Student, Australia