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Harnessing Neuroplasticity to Change Brains and Transform Lives

Arrowsmith is a pioneer in applying neuroplasticity for human benefit. 

Within the Arrowsmith School, and in collaboration with licensed organizations around the world, thousands of children and adults are leading rewarding lives with stronger brains.


Core Principles of Arrowsmith’s Neuroplastic Approach

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Core Principles of Arrowsmith’s Neuroplastic Approach


Targeted Activity

Each Arrowsmith exercise is highly specialized. One exercise for one cognitive function. This targeted design means only the intended function is strengthened. We call this targeted differential stimulation.

For example, to stimulate auditory memory, participants do not use any visual or tactile clues as we focus solely on exercising auditory retention. This means other cognitive functions are not interfering – either to help or hinder the participant’s experience in strengthening the targeted cognitive function.

Core Principles of Arrowsmith’s Neuroplastic Approach



Each targeted cognitive activity is designed to help participants be highly attentive to their task – they are empowered by the clear and singular goal of each session.

This precise design, as well as dedicated facilitator support, allows Arrowsmith participants to sustain their attention. Over time, enduring cognitive change happens. This active engagement is critical for neuroplastic change.

Core Principles of Arrowsmith’s Neuroplastic Approach

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Novelty + Complexity

Each Arrowsmith exercise involves unfamiliar or novel material to stimulate the targeted function. This limits other cognitive functions from getting involved or compensating. This novel material is engaging for any age or ability - because it’s so different.

Our brains are designed to be attracted to novelty. Specific functions are activated, allowing them to be strengthened, because they’ve never been exposed to this material before. Thousands of levels of the exercises mean participants are always presented with material that’s challenging, yet achievable. As their capacity improves, the complexity increases – a good workout for the brain.

Core Principles of Arrowsmith’s Neuroplastic Approach

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Arrowsmith leads to enduring gains, because participants spend sufficient practice enhancing and strengthening their cognitive capacity. We call this sustained engagement. They receive ongoing feedback and reward at every step of the way.

Goals are set each session: first striving for accuracy, then consistency, then speed – each are hallmarks of increasing ability and a stronger brain. This sustained practice also develops their prefrontal or executive function capacity, essential for focus in all aspects of life.

Core Principles of Arrowsmith’s Neuroplastic Approach

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Effortful Processing

Neuroplasticity takes effort. A task that is too easy is not stimulating – our brain would be on ‘auto-pilot’. Too difficult and the brain cannot engage with the task – we feel discouraged, and engagement is limited.

Each Arrowsmith task presented to participants is calibrated to be challenging yet achievable. Effort leads to success and to mastery – and the reward is life-changing.

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Goal of a Neuroplastic Approach

An efficient brain learns more easily. Through a cognitive approach, participants use their enhanced capacities in everyday intellectual activities. Communication, navigating social relationships, problem solving, retaining critical information, comprehension, and so on. 

Every action and reaction is sharper and faster. Learning and performance are enhanced. Neuroplasticity provides a new landscape of possibility. 

From Research to Real Life

The true impact of an effective neuroplastic program is its translation to the real world. Research on outcomes for students in Arrowsmith has shown that as students’ brains change, they make significant and meaningful gains in their cognitive abilities, academic and life skills, and emotional and social well-being.

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Arrowsmith Key Principles with Barbara Arrowsmith-Young

What the Experts Say

The idea that the brain can change its own structure and function through thought and activity is, I believe, the most important alteration in our view of the brain since we first sketched out its anatomy and the workings of its basic component: the neuron.

Norman Doidge
Norman Doidge
MD, Author of The Brain That Changes Itself
The Brain That Changes Itself, CBC, The Nature of Things with David Suzuki 

Revolutionizing the Application of Neuroplasticity

Dr. Doidge describes how the work of Arrowsmith and Barbara Arrowsmith-Young has revolutionized the application of neuroplasticity.