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Motor Symbol Sequencing

The Motor Symbol Sequencing cognitive function is responsible for learning and producing motor plans involved in writing, reading and speech.

Motor Symbol Sequencing
  • Motor Symbol Sequencing is Involved in:

    • automatic flow of ideas from one’s mind into writing 
    • writing and copying material quickly and accurately 
    • legibility of writing  
    • completing timed written tests, assignments, homework, and projects within the allotted time 
    • spelling words 
    • reading quickly and accurately
    • spoken communication
  • A Difficulty in This Cognitive Function Leads to:

    • the writing process being experienced as laborious requiring significant effort so writing is often avoided
    • writing is slow and it takes significantly more time to complete written assignments
    • being unable to fully express their thoughts or demonstrate what they know in writing - the individual may have elaborate and detailed ideas, however very little of this content gets translated into the written word
    • spelling not being automatic so a word may be misspelled in different ways on the same page
    • errors occurring in written work, from copying the wrong line from a book or miscopying a math question
    • messy handwriting and often individuals with this difficulty prefer to print rather than handwrite
    • problems with eye-tracking in reading resulting in words being misread or skipped over and missed altogether in the reading process 
    • speech being hesitant and oral expression not being fluent
  • Enhancing This Function Leads to:

    • the writing process becoming more fluent and easy 
    • more efficient writing with timed written or typed tasks being completed within allotted time 
    • individuals fully expressing themselves in writing – ideas are elaborated and detailed
    • more automated spelling 
    • smoother, quicker and more accurate reading
    • elimination of miscopying or misreading errors 
    • handwriting becoming more legible
    • more fluent oral communication without hesitations

Motor Symbol Sequencing is Involved in:

  • automatic flow of ideas from one’s mind into writing 
  • writing and copying material quickly and accurately 
  • legibility of writing  
  • completing timed written tests, assignments, homework, and projects within the allotted time 
  • spelling words 
  • reading quickly and accurately
  • spoken communication

A Difficulty in This Cognitive Function Leads to:

  • the writing process being experienced as laborious requiring significant effort so writing is often avoided
  • writing is slow and it takes significantly more time to complete written assignments
  • being unable to fully express their thoughts or demonstrate what they know in writing - the individual may have elaborate and detailed ideas, however very little of this content gets translated into the written word
  • spelling not being automatic so a word may be misspelled in different ways on the same page
  • errors occurring in written work, from copying the wrong line from a book or miscopying a math question
  • messy handwriting and often individuals with this difficulty prefer to print rather than handwrite
  • problems with eye-tracking in reading resulting in words being misread or skipped over and missed altogether in the reading process 
  • speech being hesitant and oral expression not being fluent

Enhancing This Function Leads to:

  • the writing process becoming more fluent and easy 
  • more efficient writing with timed written or typed tasks being completed within allotted time 
  • individuals fully expressing themselves in writing – ideas are elaborated and detailed
  • more automated spelling 
  • smoother, quicker and more accurate reading
  • elimination of miscopying or misreading errors 
  • handwriting becoming more legible
  • more fluent oral communication without hesitations

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Write the letter ‘g’. Now right it backwards. Now upside down and backwards. Notice you need to decide where to start, and in which direction to move your hand. This cognitive function decides where to start writing the letters of the alphabet, and in which direction to write. How long does it take for your hand to memorize this new pattern?  

The first time requires conscious thought and planning. Subsequent attempts should become easier as a motor plan begins to be established. The degree of ease and automation of this, and every motor plan - what is required to write every single word in any language – is determined by your Motor Symbol Sequencing capacity. 


Reading (Eye Tracking)

Our eyes have four movements involved in tracking: left, right, up, down. When we read, our brain learns the most common and predictable patterns, essentially developing eye motor plans for tracking print. The English language for example, is left to right, top to bottom, line by line. This cognitive function automates our eye tracking to ensure fluidity.

Now consider a newspaper article, a white board, an excel sheet. How quickly can your eyes track the information in these different formats? Any words missed, lines skipped, or place lost? Your Motor Symbol Sequencing determines these experiences.


Essential in Skills Such As:

  • Reading accuracy

  • Reading speed

  • Written expression

  • Note taking

  • Accuracy in clerical tasks

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