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Broca’s Speech Pronunciation

The Broca’s Speech Pronunciation cognitive function is responsible for learning how to pronounce and integrate speech units or syllables into the stabilized and consistent pronunciation of a word. 

  • Broca’s Speech Pronunciation is Involved in:

    • learning to pronounce and read words through sound symbol correspondence. This is the phonetic aspect of reading. An example is easily learning and remembering what sounds are associated with different letter combinations 
    • learning the spoken component of a foreign language
    • ease and fluency of oral communication
  • A Difficulty in This Cognitive Function Leads to:

    • problems in learning the sounds of letters and letter combinations
    • trouble learning to read phonetically (by sounding out words)
    • having a more limited spoken vocabulary as opposed to visual silent reading vocabulary. The individual knows the meaning of more words than they can use in speech.
    • mispronouncing words
    • challenges in learning how to pronounce words in a foreign language 
    • one’s speech being flat and monotone with a lack of rhythm and musical intonation
    • speaking requiring extra effort as energy is spent on recalling how to pronounce words that the individual knows the meaning of but is unsure of how to pronounce 
    • sometimes losing one’s train of thought when speaking due to the extra effort expended on remembering how to pronounce words
    • preferring to use a prepared script when giving a lecture or presentation so they can use words they are familiar with, rather than speaking ‘off the cuff’
    • being seen as shy or quiet in situations that involve speaking with people and getting drowned out by people who find it easy to speak
  • Enhancing This Function Leads to:

    • easier learning of how to pronounce words
    • improved use of phonics in the reading process
    • speech fluency and comfort in oral presentations
    • improved ability to think and speak at the same time 
    • easier acquisition of the spoken component of a foreign language

Broca’s Speech Pronunciation is Involved in:

  • learning to pronounce and read words through sound symbol correspondence. This is the phonetic aspect of reading. An example is easily learning and remembering what sounds are associated with different letter combinations 
  • learning the spoken component of a foreign language
  • ease and fluency of oral communication

A Difficulty in This Cognitive Function Leads to:

  • problems in learning the sounds of letters and letter combinations
  • trouble learning to read phonetically (by sounding out words)
  • having a more limited spoken vocabulary as opposed to visual silent reading vocabulary. The individual knows the meaning of more words than they can use in speech.
  • mispronouncing words
  • challenges in learning how to pronounce words in a foreign language 
  • one’s speech being flat and monotone with a lack of rhythm and musical intonation
  • speaking requiring extra effort as energy is spent on recalling how to pronounce words that the individual knows the meaning of but is unsure of how to pronounce 
  • sometimes losing one’s train of thought when speaking due to the extra effort expended on remembering how to pronounce words
  • preferring to use a prepared script when giving a lecture or presentation so they can use words they are familiar with, rather than speaking ‘off the cuff’
  • being seen as shy or quiet in situations that involve speaking with people and getting drowned out by people who find it easy to speak

Enhancing This Function Leads to:

  • easier learning of how to pronounce words
  • improved use of phonics in the reading process
  • speech fluency and comfort in oral presentations
  • improved ability to think and speak at the same time 
  • easier acquisition of the spoken component of a foreign language

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Our Brain’s Speaker


You meet a new person, perhaps while you’re travelling in a foreign country. They introduce themselves with a name you’ve not heard before. Does it take a couple of efforts before you pronounce it correctly? Later that day you see them again – how quickly can you remember how to pronounce their name, can you say it accurately? Your Broca’s is hard at work memorizing these new sounds and incorporating them into your phonemic memory of how the sounds blend into the fluent pronunciation of the word.

The ease with which you remember how to pronounce new words in your spoken vocabulary is determined by your Broca’s capacity. 

For some, even words in their own language present a challenge. They might need to break up the word into smaller parts or substitute a well learnt word in place of the word that they struggle to pronounce. This often results in a much larger visual vocabulary than what one can produce in speech.

Essential in Skills Such As:

  • Reading

  • Spelling

  • Professionalism

  • Foreign language acquisition

  • Public speaking skills

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