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ADHD Case Study

How Arrowsmith Helped One Student Understand and Overcome His Difficulties With ADHD

The Arrowsmith Program is renowned for its transformative impact on students with various learning difficulties, by harnessing the power of neuroplasticity to strengthen the brain. 

In this case study, we delve into the story of Tony's son, Joshua who addressed the challenges of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Dyslexia through the Arrowsmith Program at Eagle’s Landing Christian Academy

This is the story of how we transformed this student’s brain through neuroplastic change.

About Tony's Son, Joshua

Age: School age
Learning Difficulty: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Program type: Full-time (4 periods per day)
Time in program: 3 academic school years
Location: USA

Read the Case Study

The Challenge

The student had long struggled with ADHD and Dyslexia. These learning disabilities were severely hindering his academic progress and having a negative impact on his emotional well-being.

Joshua faced a multitude of hurdles associated with ADHD and Dyslexia, including:

  • Incomplete assignments and struggles to maintain focus both in the classroom and at home, leading to academic underachievement and frustration. Despite the student’s intelligence and potential, he needed guidance and structure to keep his attention focused on tasks. This inability to sustain attention hindered his ability to complete tasks efficiently and effectively. This resulted in a cycle of frustration and disengagement, as Joshua struggled to keep up with his peers and meet academic expectations.
  • Difficulties comprehending reading materials and applying grammatical rules, hindering his ability to grasp essential concepts and engage effectively in learning activities. Joshua often found himself overwhelmed by written texts, struggling to decode words, infer meanings, and comprehend complex sentences. This meant he would make random guesses with no logic, needing guidance to come to the correct answer. This impacted his performance across various subjects, particularly in language arts and humanities, where reading comprehension and written expression were paramount.
  • Impaired articulation of thoughts and emotions, resulting in feelings of frustration and isolation, and impacting his social and emotional development. The student’s struggles with verbal expression made it challenging for him to communicate his thoughts, feelings, and needs effectively. This led to frustration and low self-esteem, as he often felt misunderstood and overlooked by peers and teachers alike, exacerbating his sense of isolation and alienation

It's my son's third year in the program. So he was diagnosed with ADHD and Dyslexia after his English teacher advised us that he was having problems with reading comprehension and grammar mechanics.

a Parent of an Arrowsmith Program Student enrolled at Eagle’s Landing Christian Academy

The Solution

Recognizing the needs for targeted intervention, Tony made the pivotal decision to enrol his son, Joshua into the Arrowsmith Program. 

Here at Arrowsmith, we understand that by harnessing the power of neuroplasticity (our brain's ability to change and become stronger) the brain can be strengthened. This allows any individual to enhance their brain, overcome their learning disabilities, transform their learning profile and improve their overall well-being.

For Joshua, this meant a uniquely crafted Arrowsmith Program focused on strengthening the specific cognitive functions that were underperforming and therefore leading to his difficulties with ADHD and Dyslexia. 

The student participated in a Full-Time Arrowsmith Program, which involved four dedicated periods each day immersed in cognitive exercises that were designed to improve the cognitive functions that were leading to his challenges, including:

Each session of the Arrowsmith Program was tailored to Joshua's specific needs, focusing on strengthening cognitive skills such as attention, memory, processing speed, and executive functioning.

The Outcome

Within a mere five months of embarking on the Arrowsmith journey, Tony witnessed a profound transformation in Joshua's academic performance and emotional well-being. The outcomes included:

Joshua's journey stands as a testament to the transformative power of the Arrowsmith Program in addressing the challenges imposed by ADHD and attention-related difficulties.

Through personalized interventions, cognitive exercises that harness the power of neuroplasticity, and unwavering support, students like Joshua's emerge as resilient, confident individuals equipped to navigate the complexities of the academic and social landscape and become equipped for lifelong learning success when they enrol in the Arrowsmith Program.

He felt like he was being heard. And so, he also began to be more confident as he worked through the Arrowsmith Program. He began to develop this growth mindset, and he became more confident in his abilities. Now he's willing to try more challenging tasks, but one of the greatest achievements he's had this year is he was inducted into the National Beta Club, which is awesome not only because he is maintaining an A and B average, but he's doing the work himself.

a Parent of an Arrowsmith Program Student enrolled at Eagle’s Landing Christian Academy